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Committee of the Dee

Older News

This is the Older News  page                                                Click here for Latest News on the Home Page

ABC Womens Squad at Rutherford HOR
Newcastle Upon Tyne
2nd December 2023
A good-sized squad of ladies (mostly Masters) braved the very icy weather on the River Tyne.  Lots of happy faces after good rows and a victory in Womens Eights (b6 category).   (published 6/12/23)
Inverness HOR
 11 -12 November 2023

Cold, but fine weather in Saturday for the small squad of ABC men that travelled to the Inverness WInter HOR.
Sadly, and uniquely, the entire event was cancelled on Sunday due to thick freezing fog hanging around in the canal valley.  This reduced visibility to an unsafe level.    (published 7/12/23)
Scottish Rowing Awards Dinner
18 Nov 2023
Hamilton Ice Rink (with a free viewing of an ice hockey game!)

A lovely evening recognising many of the achievements of 2023.
Above, SR President, Alistair Neil, presents Scottish Rowing Fellowship Awards to John McKinney and Dame Katherine Grainger.

(published 19/11/23)
  Aberdeen Head of the River Weekend
  28th - 29th October 2023

 Update 26/10/23 2pm:  The Aberdeen HOR is CANCELLED
We have just held a river inspection and two experienced J-18 scullers were struggling to make headway against the stream upstream of the King George VI Bridge. 
Aberdeen and surrounding area has just entered a Met Office yellow warning for rain which extends for the next 72 hours so water-flow conditions are likely to deteriorate.
Regrettably, there is no suitable date this year to offer a re-run.
Any entry fees which have been paid will be refunded.  Grateful thanks to the many clubs and competitors who entered this event and we are sad that we were unable to run divisions on Saturday when record entries (87 in D1 and 75 in D2) were planned.
Beach Sprints - St Andrews
Saturday 9th September
The sun shone again and another lovely day but sadly (from the spectating point of view) the wind direction changed overnight and the waves were not so impressive.  Still lots of happy faces during a full day of racing for open competitors. See other link for pictures from Friday).

 (published 5/10/23)
Beach Sprints - St Andrews
Friday 8th September 2023
Another sunny day at St Andrews trying to emulate Bondi Beach.  Great excitement and lots of fun.  Better waves today made for some spectacular launchings - especially of the larger boats.  Today was mostly for students (see other link for Saturday's racing)
 (published 5/10/23)
Games Night at ABC
19th August 2023
You can always rely on teachers to organise fabulous fun and frolicks.  ABC hosted a games night of great silliness and much hilarity and some pictures are published here - they may have little meaning to those who weren't there but those who did shed their inhibitions had a great time.


 (published 5/10/23)
Deeside Scullers Island Picnic
12th August 2023
A band of hardy explorers from the Deeside Scullers Club reinstated a previous tradition by rowing up the Dee to a suitable island before partaking of afternoon refreshments. 
Members, who have suitable log-on permissions, can find all pictures on the
Club Website.


 (published 5/10/23)
Wedding of Alan Lawrie and Debbie
4th August 2023 - Norwood House Hotel, Aberdeen

OK, so I know it isn't directly related to rowing but Alan is a long-term ASRA coach and member of the Committee of the Dee so, with his permission, Snapper Ron has published a few pics from the wonderful (and very energetic!) evening entertainment.
 (published 5/10/23)

 Pictures from Aberdeen Sprint (2/9/23) published

With apologies for the delay, I have published a few
pictures from our SprintSnapper Ron
(published 4/10/23)
 Aberdeen Sprint Regatta
 Saturday 2nd September 2023
Another Sprint, another lovely day of snappy racing on the Dee.  We were delighted to welcome a large squad from Inverness but, sadly, our only other outside entry was a solitary sculler from Castle Semple (good to see you back in Aberdeen, Karen). 
Troublesome tides forced a late start with first race going off exactly on time at 1pm.  With a lot of pre-planning and excellent cooperation from umpires, marshals and competitors, we were pleased to finish racing 14 minutes ahead of planned time, about 6 hours later. 
Weather was pleasant with a moderate tailwind and it was warm enough that the Senior Umpire had to advise some local children against swimming in the river off the ABC launching steps!
With their huge entry, the Championship of the Dee award was easily won by ASRA  but the other places enjoyed some to and fro battles over the day. 
Final Championship of the Dee points
ASRA                  145
ABC                      57
Inverness RC         48
AUBC                     6
Castle Semple         5

 All Race Results (chronological list)
                                                   All Race Results (draw Tree)
  Winning crew names and Champ of Dee table
                                                         All Competitors' names
All the above info is available as an Excel spreadsheet if you prefer.


   Event Programme (20 pages)
            Advert for the Sprint.
Henley Masters Regatta (HMR)
7 - 8 July 2023
For the first time ever, as part of Gary's plan for world (rowing) domination, ABC sent a trailer and large squad to compete in multiple events at HMR. Great fun, fantastic setting, good musical backdrop at times with Henley Festival next door. Some wins and some benchmarking.


published 25/7/23
Henley Royal Regatta (HRR)
June/July 2023
A mixture of rowing action (some) and social (lots) pictures

Scottish Championships Regatta
3-4 June 2023
Snapper Ron blew the dust off his big cameras and snapped a range of crews in action.  Sorry for the delay in publishing these.


published 25/7/23

ABC Inter-Company Regatta
17th June 2023
It was great to see a large entry for this event and
Snapper Ron's pictures are now published
North East Coronation Regatta
Weekend of 6 - 7 May 2023
Thanks go to University of St Andrews BC as the only club which travelled to our very enjoyable event.
 To everyone else... you missed out on a lot of good racing and a fun party on Saturday night!
Report and Results page

With apologies for the delay, here (25/7/23) are a very few mostly personal pics from this event.(click on picture below)
ABC trip to Tideway and Vesta Veteran HORs
18 - 19 March 2023

Just one ABC (Mens Mas E) crew this year.  Unfortunately, a family illness meant that we needed substitute cox both days (thanks to Anna on Saturday and Pete on Sunday). Possible Norovirus then forced a further crew change on Sunday (well done, Lee, for finding Jacques to sub-in). 
These changes resulted in rather rushed races but still an enjoyable weekend.  Thanks to ASRA for trtansporting our boat.
Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
Saturday 11th March 2023

A good crowd of spectators enjoyed some close and exciting racing in pleasant weather conditions.
Pictures (mostly) from Snapper Ron are published here.
Updated 13/3/23 with finish videos from Lee Garrat and start and Suspension Bridge shots from Lindsay Kilvington
 published 12/3/2023
 Aberdeen Eights HOR
Sunday 5th February 2023

Good weather for the time of year but an increasing headwind made for hard work going through some bridges and in the final 400m.  Great to see Tay RC competing with their mixed Eight (mixed sex and experience, with one member only on his 4th sweep-rowing outing).  Shame that no other clubs made the trip.  The course in both divisions had to be shortened by about 150m due to unusually low water at the finish.

update 25/7/23 - I have published a small number of personally selected (and biased!) pictures.  Click on the above image.
Programme           Original advert
Competitors' Name (v2)
Winners names
  Pictures from Aberdeen Fours and Small Boats HOR
5-6 November 2022

A small range of pictures (with the usual Aberdeen bias!) are published.  These also feature pictures from the 'decades' event from the Deeside Scullers Club when they boated crews in a unique third divsion on Saturday.  Boats 'raced' representing crews from the 1960s, 70s, 80s, 90s, noughties and tens.
Aberdeen Fours and Small Boats HOR
5 - 6 November 2022

Good weather on Saturday but a variable blustery headwind on Sunday with some squals of rain. 
Overall, still not bad for the time of year.
Saturday  both divisions sorted by Net Time
 Saturday both divisions sorted by Event, then Net Time
Sunday both divisions sorted by Net Time
Sunday both divisions sorted by Event, then Net Time

  Programme for both days (v3)          List of crew Names (v3)    The  Advert (v2) is still available
It was lovely to see a collection of fancily-dressed crews participating again in the
Aberdeen Inter-Company Regatta
on Saturday 25th June 2022.
 Click here for
Snapper Ron's pictures from the event.

  published 26/6/22
17th June 2022
Never mind ER's Platinum do, the real event of the year so far was the gathering to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the formation in Aberdeen of the fearsome four named Rick's Pr***s.
Pictures are available of the
ABC Balcony Club gathering in celebration.
Also published is a

miscellany of pictures from the past 50 years (well, the oldest relevant one I could find was a mere 39 years old, sorry).
Scottish Championships Regatta
3 - 5 June 2022

Sunday morning saw three ABC wins out of four consecutive races.
 published 7/6/22
Beach Sprints Event - University of St Andrews
Pictures from Sunday 15th May 2022

It may look as if boats were sinking (none did!) but lots of excitement and smiles as the surf picked up on St Andrews beach for this spectator-friendly event. Just like the competitors, you can do some wading as you negotiate the 900 pictures here.
Comparisons with the water conditions at the 1,000m point of the
SRSR were invidious (but not altogether inaccurate!)

  published 27/05/22
North British Rowing Club - Thames Training Camp
4-5 May 2022

A miscellany of members of the NBRC travelled to London to do some intensive training at Marlow and on the Tideway.
A campaign artist (in the form of Snapper Ron) was invited to record this event.  The suggestion that this invitation was in case his retired-doctoring skills might come in handy was scurrilous!

 published 27/05/22
Strathclyde Park Spring Regatta (SRSR)
Just a few ABC-orientated pictures from
Saturday 23rd April 2022

Sorry, too busy to take many pictures!
   Results from the North East Regatta
           14 May 2022
Lovely weather for our first NER since 2019 due to Covid cancellation of the intervening two years.
Click here for notes and results, and now (added 27/05/22) pictures

Pictures from the
Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race

2nd April 2022
It was great to see spectators allowed again at the
Universities Boat Race

Snapper Ron, with a little help from a friend, has published a pile of pictures from pre-event briefing to the subsequent Ball.
  published 05/04/22
Tideway 2022
26-27 March 2022
First ABC visit to Tideway in a while saw two Masters Eights (male and female) making the eventful trip south.

published 07/04/22
Inverness Eights and SB HOR
5-6 March 2022

The ABC 'Tideway Eight' (with one sub) got in some good, and successful, practice at our northern neighbours event.
Various other club wins were recorded. Photos are a bit limited, sorry

  published 07/04/22
The Bob Neill Scottish Schools HOR,  River Dee, Aberdeen (organised by ASRA)

     Saturday 19/3/22  Division 1             
                                       Saturday 19/3/22 Division 2        
Sunday 20/3/22  Division 1
                                Sunday 20/3/22 Division 2
ASRA Time Trial
Sunday 6th Febrtuary 2022

 Aberdeen Eights HOR and
Aberdeen Small-Boats HOR

 19 - 20  February 2022

A lovely weekend of racing on the Dee.  Happily, the predicted bad weather (strong winds) did not cause significant issues in Aberdeen but it did, understandably, deter some outside competitors from travelling.
Saturday 19/2/22  results (both divisions) 
SB HOR Sunday 20/2/22  Div 1 Results
SB HOR Sunday 20/2/22 Div 2 Results

Pictures (almost all from Saturday) are published.  Thanks, mainly, to Murray Bone and Lindsay Kilvington for taking these

The original advert is still available here
Inverness Fours and Small Boats HOR
20th & 21st November 2021

I have published an unashamedly ABC-biased group of pictures from the Inverness HOR weekend.
Also worth visiting (and thanks for above pic) are the much more professional images at
Future events
Hopefully those who attended our recent Fours HOR had an enjoyable time.  If you fancy another trip to race on the Dee, our
Future Events page lists our plans up to Summer 2022. 
Dates for our Autumn 2022 HOR will appear later.
A date has also been set for the Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race (Sat 2 April 2022)
The page also lists other events on the SR calendar at this time (Nov 2021)
Aberdeen Fours HOR : Saturday 6th November 2021

10/11/21 Pictures from Div 1 (and a couple from D2) are now published - thanks to Elspeth Archibald for taking and Snapper Ron for processing

  Results from both divisions on Saturday
          Sorted by
Net Time
                          Sorted by
Event, then Net Time
A breezy day, and as noted previously, we cancelled our SB HOR on Sunday due to predicted high winds.
    List of competitors nams (Saturday)   

For reference, the original Advert is availaible. 
Also the following documents relating to the cancelled Small Boats HOR on Sunday 7/11/21
  Sunday (Small Boats) Start list                 Sunday names
Clyde 3 Heads HOR
Sat 23rd October 2021

Snapper Ron dusted off his cameras and managed to catch many (sorry, not all) competitors at the HOR organised by Clyde ARC. Missing crews were when he had umpiring tasks to perform.
published 24/10/21
September 2021

A few pictures from Castle Semple Regatta and also from the Captain's Dinner held at ABC
   published 21/10/21
Aberdeen Sprint Regatta - 21st Aug 2021
picture below by Jonathan Byfield
Click here for lots more pics from him.  These are mostly of the first hour or so of racing and have an ABC bias.

And also a few pics from
Snapper Ron - many featuring the passage of the Aberdonian steam train

 Aberdeen Sprint Regatta
Saturday 21st August 2021
Yippee!  Back to racing again as Covid restrictions ease.

Many thanks to all the officials, volunteers and club members (near and far) that helped make this return to racing so enjoyable.

Winning crew names (and club points)
Results - chlonological list of all races
Results - Tree view of all races 
Names of all competitors
See adjacent box for some photographs

Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
Wednesday 26th May 2021

A limited event this year due to Covid, but thanks to Bob Newton for organising the match.  A single race between AUBC and RGUBC which was won (verdict easily) by AUBC.
RGUBC were hampered by loss of their rudder which forced them to make some imaginative steering 
manoeuvres as you can see in some pictures.
Update 27/9/20:  Our HOR weekend planned for
17th & 18th October 2020 has been cancelled due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation.
 North East Regatta (NER) 

Henley Womens Regatta, the Olympics and Henley Royal Regatta have all been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic but, even more distressing for the rowing community, is the cancellation of this year's NER (due to have been held on
th May 2020).  A significant reason for this was the inability to safely deliver the macaroni vs steak pie tournament. 

Update 4th August 2020 -
Aberden Sprint Regatta (29/8/20)    *CANCELLED*
  Current (4/8/20) guidance from Scottish Government and SR indicate there is no prospect of us running a regatta this month so we have cancelled this event.

Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
14th March 2020

A fine day of racing on the 25th running of this event.
Pictures from Snapper Ron (mostly) and some from Lindsay Kilvington are available by clicking below.  Apologies that Lindsay's camera clock was set differently so pictures jump about sometimes.

Some well-dressed athletes at the ball
Sunday 23rd Feb 2020
Video files of ABC Masters (Tideway) eight training on the Dee.
OK, these are not going to be of general interest but here is a way to access the full-size files of the videos that Carol took of 7/8 of our Tideway crew in action (or 8/9 if you include the cox).
Right click the link below and select download, then extract the zip file and you should have 4 movie files to analyse and strike terror into any opposition.

images/Videos/ABC Tideway Mas8 videos from
Aberdeen Time Trial

Saturday 22
nd Feb 2020
12noon  (and  1:30pm)

Results from Division 1 are available.  A sunny afternoon but steadily increasing wind througout caused crews some problems.
This was coupled with a faster stream than usual after rainfall in the upper Dee catchment.

Sadly, we made the decision to cancel D2 due to safety concerns relating to high winds and strong stream in the finish marshalling area.
We remain chuffed that we managed to run an event at a time when multiple recent and current events have been weather-cancelled.
Pictures from Snapper Ron are now published
ABC Xmas Eights Scratch Regatta
Annual Committee Awards

14th Dec 2019

Just a few pics of the winners of the regatta and recipients of the annual committee awards
Inverness Fours and SB HOR
9th & 10th November 2019

Lovely frosty / misty mornings and fine, but cold, racing conditions for the biggest-ever Inverness HOR.  This will be the last such event for 12 months as the canal needs to be partly drained to allow construction of a new swing bridge.
Snapper Ron has published a biased selection of photos and videos featuring (almost) exclusively ABC crews. Click on picture above for these.

**NEW (14/11/19)  MORE PICTURES **
Thanks to Lotte Watts for submitting more pics from Inverness - click on image below to access them
'Discovered' pictures from NE Regatta
4th May 2019

Oops - Alan Murphy sent me a memory stick with pictures he took at the
North East Regatta six months ago.  I forgot to publish these at the time but here they are now.
You can also still see my
pictures from prizegiving.
Glasgow Rowing Club 4s HOR
Sat 2nd November 2019

Snapper Ron captured some lovely autumnal colours at this event
  Aberdeen Fours and Small Boats HOR
26th & 27th October 2019

more pictures, these ones from from Lindsay Kilvington

Sat D1 sorted by time over course
Sat D 1 sorted by event, then time

Sat D2 sorted by time over course
Sat D2 sorted by event then time
A fine day of racing on Saturday but, regrettably, we had to cancel the Small Boats HOR on Sunday.  Winds were gusting to 40mph making water conditions dangerously rough, especially in the upper reaches of the course. 
Entry fees applicable to Sunday will be refunded.

Click here for
pictures from Snapper Ron

  Rhine Rowing Marathon
5th October 2019
Ron Wallace and Jim Steel from ABC were invited by Neil Gardner to join another alumnus of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge (Clive Woodman) to row 26.2 miles on the Rhine, finishing at Dusseldorf.  Great welcome from Wolfgang, our cox, and a memorable experience.

Click on either of the above pictures to see the pictues and videos that I took, including the GoPro footage from the race.
If you want to download a full-resolution version of the same GoPro footage then
click here and view or save the file but be aware that it is over 800Mb in size.
Snapper Ron

The Bob Neill Scottish Schools HOR
14th & 15th Sept 2019
ASRA hosted this event on the Dee
Results are on our
Results page
HIR (Home International Regatta)
27th July 2019

Strathclyde Park

The weather was dull but the racing was electric with many close results and a fantastic day for the Scottish team who won the league tables for Senior Men, Junior Men and Senior Women and came joint second in Junior Women.  A unique result for Team Scotland

Published (with apologies for lateness) 11/8/19
  Aberdeen 'Tornado' Sprint Regatta
   Saturday 31st August 2019
We were pleased to see the steam locomotive 'Tornado' chuff back and forth during this event.
Another blustery day in Aberdeen with a particularly unpleasant squall during our Duathlon event (enough to, understandably,  dissuade one competitor from undertaking the sculling leg).  It was great to see another large squad from Stirling and we also welcomed a number of men from Inverness (perhaps their women and juniors may join us some day!).  Also a single Masters sculler from Clydesdale (who managed to go home with a medal).

Club Championship points (corrected after event) were
Stirling 72
ABC 58
Inverness 9
Clydesdale 2

Winners names              Results (chronological)              Results (tree)            Duathlon results
Original programme (not marked with results)
Death of Bernie (Brian) Gillian
Sad to report the death, aged 74, of Bernie Gillian.  He was a familiar figure umpiring at events over many years.
I have found various photographs of him in umpiring action to reflect on happier times although these do not really reflect the true extent of his commitment to our sport. 
 Snapper Ron

published 17/7/19
Henley Royal Regatta
June/Juy 2019
More social / rowing shots from HRR

published 15/7/19
Henley Womens Regatta
June 2019
Some rowing and social shots from HWR

published 15/7/19
ABC Winners at Nithsdale Regatta
22nd June 2019

Richard Mathieson, Tricia Ritchie and Elspeth Archibald made the long trip to Dumfries to represent ABC at Nithsdale Regatta.
Richard won Mas F-H 1x.  Elspeth & Tricia won W R2 2x
published 11/7/19
ABC Inter-Company Regatta
22nd June 2019

Thanks to Lindsay Kilvington for taking these pictures whilst Snapper Ron was sunning himself at Henley Womens Regatta
published 11/7/19
Scottish Championships
7th - 9th June 2019
A reasonable number of ABC wins at this event (not all featured in this selection of pics by Snapper Ron, sorry!)

Dan Davidson got a much-deserved 'thank you' from his Novice squad
Castle Semple Regatta
19th May 2019
A smallish squad from ABC enjoyed some successes at this event.
Thanks to Lotte Watts for providing the pictures of crews racing

ASRA training camp in
Regensburg, Germany

6th - 15th April 2019
Pictures by Carol Wallace

published 30/5/19
SRSR (Scottish Rowing Spring Regatta)
(the event previously known as SPR !)
27th & 28th April 2019
Here is a limited number of Aberdeen-biased photos.

North East Regatta
Saturday 4th May 2019
Results and a report on the day's racing are published.
I have been promised some photos so these may appear later

NER 2019  Results page
Here are a few
photos of Stirling RC collecting the Championship of the Dee trophy (again!) (published 3/6/19)

Mark you diaries for our next event, the
Aberdeen Sprint Regatta
Sat 31
st August 2019
Clyde Power Sprints
20th April 2019

Ron was the only Aberdeen competitor to travel to this event but he managed to win his Masters 1x event.
A good, fun day of frantic 250m racing.

Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
23rd March 2019
Mostly pictures from Snapper Ron with extras from Lindsay Kilvington and David Hunter.  Apologies that clocks on cameras were not synchronised so pictures jump around a bit.

  published 30/3/19
Heineken Roeivierkamp Regatta
9th & 10th March 2019
An intrepid Masters 8 from ABC attended this event

Sadly, racing was cancelled on Saturday due to high winds but we managed two of our events (2.5k and 250m) on a very cold,windy and wet Sunday.  Then warmed ourselves up in the city in the evening.
More pictures from Inverness Eights HOR
16th & 17th Feb 2019
Lotte Watts has sent in some fine pictures of ABC crews at this event

Snapper Ron's pictures were previously published here
Aberdeen Eights HOR
Saturday 9th March 2019

With apologies for the delay, results are now published from this windy event.  J-15 Quads were cancelled for safety reasons but all other boats managed to race.

Div 1 sorted by finish time                                          
Div 1 sorted by event then net time

Div 2 sorted by finish time                                         
Div 2 sorted by event then net time
Inverness 8s HOR
16th & 17th February 2019

A few pics from Snapper Ron and Mrs Snapper
Naming ceremony for new
URA (AUBC + RGUBC) Coxless Four

27th October 2018

Apologies for the very late publishing of these pictures but here they are now

Alison Bain names the new boat which was largely purchased through a crowdfunding campaign
European Rowing Championships
2nd - 5th August 2018
Strathclyde Park

Well... I didn't quite manage to publish these pictures in the year that they were taken!  Apologies for the delay but here are some pictures from sunnier days to brighten up the winter months.  published 6/1/19
ABC Xmas Eights
8th Dec 2018

A fun day with 2 Eights and 2 Sevens competing over a 500m course.  The winning team was Santa's Little Helpers  but Carol (organiser) also presented prizes to the two coxes who had steered all crews.  Everyone then enjoyed President Jim's mulled wine and a fine spread of hot and cold Xmas lunch.

most of the winning crew

Rutherford HOR (Newcastle)
1st December 2018
A Mens Masters 4+ from ABC went south to this event.  Well organised and good fun but, boy, it was wet.  They enjoyed the night life of the big city afterwards.
North British Rowing Club
Annual Dinner

17th November 2018
Snapper Ron was invited to attend this historical event in Greenock.  He apologises for the poor quality of the pictures which he blames, of course, on a malfunctioning camera and not on any failing of the human operator.

Aberdeen Fours and Small Boats HOR

                  27th & 28th October 2018

Fortuntely the weather on Saturday turned out (slightly) better than the rather worrying early forecast (hail and very strong winds).  Still very cold on Saturday but Sunday was a lovely autumnal day.

     Sat Division 1 sorted by TIME OVER COURSE
                     Sat Division 1 sorted by EVENT then NET TIME

     Sat Division 2 sorted by TIME OVER COURSE
                     Sat Division 2 sorted by EVENT then NET TIME


   Sunday Division 1 sorted by TIME OVER THE COURSE
               Sunday Division 1 sorted by EVENT then NET TIME
    Sunday Division 2 sorted by TIME OVER THE COURSE
               Sunday Division 2 sorted by EVENT then NET TIME

Aberdeen Sprint Regatta
Saturday 25th August 2018

Another lovely day of racing in Aberdeen.  A fairly strong cross-head wind did entertain us with some rough water at times but nothing that us tough North Easterners aren't used to! 
We welcomed another trailer-full of Stirling rowers and also a good squad from Inverness (after their delayed arrival due to wind-turbine movement on the A96).
Competitors and spectators alike seemed to enjoy our first-ever Duathlon (run/row) event - this was held in two heats of 8 competitors in each and attracted competitors ranging from junior to 70+ years of age.  We are grateful to Scottish Rowing for providing financial support to help run this event.

Complete results are available here, or if you only want selected portions from this, you can choose List of winners  or  Duathlon results (both of these are contained in the complete results)
New 26/8/18  Snapper Ron has published a few
 pictures of the Duathlon

Most Successful Club
We only award the Championship of the Dee trophy at our main North East Regatta but, for interest, I applied the same points system (2 points per person in winning finalists and 1 point pp for losing finalists) to ascertain the most successful club.  Points were as noted below;

ASRA                 81
Stirling               64
ABC                  56
Inverness           13
Albyn Schools      7
Univ of St Andrews 1
Crustaceans row from Leeds to Doncaster
16th - 28th July 2018

Snapper Ron was delighted to be asked to sub into this very enjoyable canal trip

(published 30/8/18)
Henley Royal Regatta
4th - 8th July 2018
More social shots than rowing pictures (but the on-line video coverage is so good for the spashy stuff)

ABC  Inter-Company Regatta
30th June 2018
A smaller number of crews this year but a re-jig of the format meant plenty racing for all competitors.  Great weather, some close (and some not so close!) racing and entertaining costumes resulted in a very enjoyable day.  Snapper Ron's pictures are available by clicking  the above link.

Henley Womens Regatta
22nd - 24th June 2018
Snapper Ron finally accompanied Mrs Snapper to this event - a lovely mixture of serious racing and laid-back (by HRR standards) spectating.
He apologises for missing almost all of the Aberdeen clubs' races but at least the published pictures redress the normal NE Scotland bias!
Scottish Championships Regatta

9th & 10th June 2018

A few rowing shots (mostly from Carol) and some pictures of the gathering storm clouds from Ron.
Sadly, racing on Saturday had to be abadoned due to lightning storms.


(published 30/6/18)
SPR (Strathclyde Park Regatta)
28th & 29th April 2018

Snapper Ron was quite busy umpring and racing so shots from a limited range of races are published below.

Saturday pictures        Sunday pictures
Clyde Power Sprints
21st April 2018

A small squad of ABC rowers went to Glasgow for this very enjoyable event (thanks to Carol for towing our boats down using her shiny new truck).
We won three events (Mas 2-, Mas 1x and Womens Mas 1x).  A scratch, composite 4+ featuring Matt and Lee of ABC along with a Clyde and Clydesdale rower managed to make it to the final of Open 4+ before sustaining their first defeat.
Although racing was only over a 250m course, a round-robin system meant that everyone had lots of races.  Great fun!

The challenge to the Committee of the Dee is to make our
Aberdeen Sprint on 25th August 2018 as enjoyable - keep checking this site for further details nearer the time.

A slection of pictures from Snapper Ron with a marked ABC-bias!
North East Regatta
14th April 2018

A wonderful day with great competition (thanks largely to a huge entry from Stirling).  Great weather and a shock win for the Championship of the Dee.

Update 16/4/18 - I have added a column to the results page identifying qualifying wins

Further details        Pictures

Strling RC celebrate winning the Championship of the Dee
Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
Saturday 17th March 2018

At times it looked more like a surfing event than a rowing competition but competitors survived onslaughts of wind, waves, cold and bothersome crabs and (most) were still smiling at the end of the day.
Snapper Ron's pictures (with a bit of help from LK) are published below

The AUBC Alumni crew hit 'The Wall' above the KG6 Bridge
More picturesfrom Snapper Ron (sorry, these have been presented in published-order, not ordered by date taken)

ABC Burns Supper
27th January 2018

(published 23/2/18)

Inverness Eights HOR
10th & 11th  Feb 2018

(published 23/2/18)
Aberdeen Eights HOR

17th Feb 2018


Pictures from  Snapper Ron  (sorry, division 2 only)

(published 23/2/18)

Updated 27/2/18  - 
more pictures  - from Alan Murphy
Aberdeen Eights HOR
Saturday 17th Feb 2018

Results from both divisions

Lovely weather except for a bit of a headwind between the Suspension and Railway Bridges.
Thanks to all umpires and helpers.  Also thanks to our visitors from Inveress and University of St Andrews

Programme for this event
can now be downloaded - this includes course instructions and running order

Parking arrangements for visting clubs will be announced later.

  The original
advert for this event is still available.



     Aberdeen  HOR  weekend
4th & 5th November 2017

Results from Saturday (both divisions)

Results from Sunday (both divisions)

 Lovely weather on Saturday for our Fours event.
The forecast of rain and gales on Sunday in reality became sunny but cold weather and a variable breeze.  Overall reasonable conditions for Guy Fawkes weekend.    It was great to see a large entry from lots of clubs including almost every Scottish university.

Photo-update 14/11/17
I am delighted to present a cornucopia of pictures from various sources (thanks to all providers);

4s HOR Sat from Alan Murphy

4s HOR Sat Division 1 from Snapper Ron
4s HOR Sat Division 2 from Snapper Ron
Small Boats HOR Sunday from Alan Murphy
Small Boats HOR Sunday Division 1 from Snapper Ron
(sorry, no D2 pics on Sunday from Snapper Ron as he was racing)

4s HOR Sunday Album by James Arthur  (and the link to his jpegs)

FISA World Masters   
6th - 10th Sept 2017
Bled,  Slovenia

Yes, I think it really is the most beautiful rowing course in the world!  Not many rowing pictures (busy rowing and I only took a small camera) but lots of background and holiday shots.  Snapper Ron
Also a link below to the professional shots from Sports Graphics

Still pictures from (mostly) Snapper Ron             Videos from Snapper Ron

Sports Graphics shots (all clubs)                   (Sports Graphics Aberdeen pictures)
   More pictures from the North East Regatta

Thanks to Rob Eyton-Jones for providing some great pictures from the sprint regatta held in Aberdeen on 19/8/17
(published 23/8/17)

You might have spotted Rob at SPR or Scot Champs sitting damply in his kayak opposite the finish tower snapping crews as they neared the end of their race.  He chose land-based vantage points in Aberdeen but still relished the challenge of scrambing over rocks under the Suspension Bridge for best views!
North East Sprint Regatta

19th August 2017

Results from this event are now published.

from Snapper Ron are also published (19/8/17)

Pictures from Rob Eyton-Jones   ( NEW 23/8/17 )

Thanks to all sponsors, helpers, SR umpires, competitors and the weather (for delaying its thunderstorm until after prizegiving!)

Clydesdale Sprint Regatta and Corporate Challenge
5th August 2017
Snapper Ron has published his pictures from this event

  (published 7/8/17)

Snapper Ron's pictures from the
Home International Regatta

22nd July 2017

This event was organised by English Rowing but, unusually, took place at Strathclyde Park.
 (published 26/7/17)

Click here to go to Scottish Rowing website for news report on this event
ABC  Inter-Company Regatta
24th June 2017
The usual display of varied rowing costumes, and racing filled with enthusiasm but containing variable amounts of coordination entertained the spectators at this fun event.
A bit breezy at times with a varaible tailwind but very enjoyable racing conditions.  Snapper Ron's pictures are published here.

The Deewatch crew overhaul a nasty bunch of Star Wars Stormtroopers (serves then right for having Darth Vadar as a cox!)
(published 26/6/17)
Castle Semple Regatta
20th May 2017

I have pubished a selection of pictures from this event - not many shots from the lovely flat calm of the early morning (I was racing) but, sadly, a larger number of images of rough afternoon water.  Snapper Ron
(published 30/5/17)
Aberdeen Scratch Regatta
7th May 2017

Three Clubs (ABC, ASRA and Albyn) participated in this event.  Many thanks to Elspeth Archibald for proposing the format which seemed to be enjoyed by all participants.  An initial time-trial took place and the sorted crews were then divided into blocks of 4 or 3 for side-by-side competition - this took place regardless of boat class or competitors' status.  All races took place over a very windy 700m downstream course resulting in some challenging rough water.  Click for  results  or  (only 3!) pictures
ASRA Training Camp in Breisach, Germany

April 2017

ASRA travelled further south this year, going to Breisach in Germany rather than their previous location of Ghent in Belgium.  Everyone seemed pleased with the new venue.
Pictures by Carol Wallace

Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
4th March 2017

Congratulations to Aberdeen University who not only won the main race (after 6 years of domination by RGUBC) but also completed a unique hat-trick of wins by taking the Second-Crew race and also the Alumni event.
Tides forced a late start to proceedings and a day of dark clouds and torrential rain led to challenges in photography.  Apologies for the many blurry shots (no light) and misty atmosperic photos (rain on lenses!)
Aberdeen Eights HOR

Saturday 11th Feb 2017


A strong tailwaind led to some fast times (tailwind) and also some slow bits (very rough water).  Water was much rougher in Div 2 after the tide had turned.

*new 12/2/17* Snapper Ron has published
Pictures from Division 2 only

Ian Duncan and Alex Wann wedding.
Ian & Alex got hitched on
Saturday 7th January 2017
The day finished with a celebration at ABC
Click below for Ron's pictures.

(published 8/1/17)

Aberdeen Xmas Scratch Eights Regatta
17th Dec 2016
Thanks to Alan Murphy for providing these pics

(published 25/1/17)
Pictures from the Aberdeen HOR weekend

Thanks to Alan Murphy who took these pictures from one of the marshalling launches

Fours HOR - Saturday 12th Nov 2016

SB HOR - Sunday 13th Nov 2016

and a few pictures by Ron Wallace of the cosy accommodation in ABC on Saturday night
Aberdeen Head of the River Weekend

12th & 13th November 2016

Despite a pessimistic forecast, the weather forecast, and actuality, on the days turned out to be lovely. 
Saturday, in particular, was flat calm, sunny and warm (at least by November standards).
We were delighted to have a huge entry, especially featuring many of the university rowing clubs in Scotland. 
This resulted in well-contested racing, especially at the novice end of the spectrum.
Sunday’s racing featured two dead-heats so aware were made to all four winners.
Thanks to all helpers, SR umpires, and everyone else who made the event run (mostly) smoothly.


Saturday Div 1 - by finish order        Saturday Div1 - by event
Saturday Div 2 - by finish order        Saturday Div 2 - by event

Sunday Div 1 - by finish order        Sunday Div 1 - by event
Sunday Div 2 - by finish order    Sunday Div 2 - by event

Competitors' names Saturday         Competitors' names Sunday

Deeside Scullers Club hosts the first-ever DS vs Universities of Aberdeen competition for the prestigious Hendricks Cup
1st October 2016

DS won the first Eights race then the pesky youngsters from AUBC and RGUBC took the second.  In the third race, DS got off to a blistering start; once the youngsters had realised that the race was on they did manage to claw back their disadvantage to squeeze over the line first to take the on-water victory.  Further points were hotly, and messily, contested in the egg & spoon race.  Repeated cheating on both sides (including very clever use of melted cheese to stick egg to spoon!) resulted in a draw in the on-land competition so the Universities were declared the winners.  Also present was the Kelly's Cat "Katherine Grainger" which has recently been purchased by DS

Rob Hamilton, President of Deeside scullers, presents the trophy to the winners from AUBC and RGUBC

Gin-Tasting session at ABC
Niki, KP and Di are planning to cross-country ski 26 miles (gasp!) as a charity fundraiser.  They started the fundraising by hosting a gin-tasting session which was both entertaining and educational (from what I can remember).  Well done all!

(published 5/9/16)
ASRA training camp and Regatta in Gent, Belgium
4th - 10th April 2016

Apologies for the late (22/8/16) publishing of these shots taken by Carol Wallace

Henley 2016
Lots of social shots from Snapper Ron with very occasional rowing pics

(published 11/8/16)

Pictures from

Scottish Championships Regatta

11th & 12th June 2016

Pictures from Snapper Ron

David Nolan's Flicker site

North East Regatta

4th June 2016

Results are published from this one-day event

NER pictures from Snapper Ron
Just a few pics from this event - mostly relating to the celebration of Deeside Scullers Club 50th anniversary.  For members of DS, further pictures of the evening celebrations are published on the DS website. 
 (pictures published 8/6/16)
Clydesdale Regatta
7th May 2016
Snapper Ron has published some pictures from this event
(published 26/5/16)
Strathclyde Park Regatta

23rd & 24th April 2016

Snapper Ron has published some pictures from this event.
(published 12/5/16)

Litter pick-ups
A message from Elspeth Archibald of ABC who has organised (and led) a number of litter-picking session between the QE2 Bridge and Victoria Bridge;

"We're planning our next picking weekend on 16th/17th april before all the regattas start.  
We finished the short bridges loop at the weekend - 85 bags in total ! "

Volunteers from any club are welcome to lend a hand.


Updated tide tables

Sharp-eyed Jim Steel pointed out confusion with the 'rowable limits' columns on the ABC tidetables - the figures were correct but difficult to interpret due to loss of AM or PM markers. 
I have modified the 2016 and 2017 tables to convert rowable-limit times to 24-hour notation.
The actual tide data is correct and unchanged
 (published 5/4/16)
ABC Update on 6/4/16
I received the following email from ABC (endorsed by Jim Steel, President)

ABC are no longer using the 'unrowable' times from the tide tables.  Instead ABC is using the +/- 3hours from high tide in daylight, +/-2 hours in the dark to prevent damage to boats when boating and landing, the same as we applied to launches.  Other clubs are entitled to set their own limits for their rowing boats

Aberdeen Eights HOR
26th March 2016

Windy and wet with a strong headwind and rough water up the 500m straight.  Sadly a poor entry from outside clubs - our only non-Aberdeen entrant was a junior quad from Loch Lomond - but at least they won their division so hopefully they considered the trip worthwhile!

Results (both divisions)

Pictures from Division 1

Pictures from Division 2

Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
12th March 2016

Pictures from Ron Wallace and Lindsay Kilvington

This year saw the closest-ever main race with RGU taking an early lead only for AU to overtake them going through the Railway Bridge.  A ding-dong battle ensued down the 500m straight with RGU pulling ahead shortly before the all-important finish.  The Second crews raced, for the first time ever, over the long course and the aged(?) alumni were relegated to the short 750m course (which was, many said, long enough!)
 (published 19/3/16)

Committee of the Dee
(Aberdeen Rowing)

now has a Twitter account

click on the above link to tweet away

(published 2/2/16)
ABC Burns Supper
23rd January 2016
We met to celebrate the Bard's birthday and enjoy some fine soup followed by Haggis, neeps & chappit tatties (thanks, Alex)

Change of date of
Aberdeen Eights HOR

Please note that we have (with permission from Scottish Rowing) changed the date of our Eights HOR from 20th February 2016 to
Saturday 26th March 2016

We made this change as the original date clashes with BUCS regatta and many University clubs have attended our HOR in previous years.

(published 15/1/16)
Discovered photos!

Apologies but I have found various batches of photographs which I have failed to process and publish.  More may be added to this list but currently you can enjoy the following (in no particular order);

ASRA's trip to Ghent in April 2015 (pictures by Carol)

ABC Xmas Eights scratch Regatta
(7th Dec 2013)  pictures by Carol

Inverness 8s and Small Boats HOR  (21st Feb 2015)

Scottish Schools HOR
(26th & 27th Sept 2015)

Marlow Regatta  (21/6/14)
Pictures from Colin
River Dee  post-diluvian

**UPDATE 14/1/16**  The turbulence upstream of the salmon-fishers bothy (between KG6 Bridge and HOR finish) has been identified as another car! (thanks Pete)
Until this is cleared, all crews and launches should turn downstream of the salmon-fishers bothy  (PS - car now cleared but all crews should still exercise caution due to changes in shoal banks)

(13/1/16) You may have noticed it has been a bit damp lately!
The river has changed significantly following the recent floods - two reports and sets of pictures are available below

Pete Turner and Jonny Muir walked the lower stretches of the river on 11/1/16.  Their written report and pictures are available.

Dan Davidson walked the Dee at low tide and took these pictures from 13/1/16  - I have added his written observations to the foot of the above report.

(published 13/1/16)
FISA World Masters - Hazewinkel
10th - 13th Sept 2015

Sorry for the late publication of these pics  - there are a lot of personal pictures of our holiday in Belgium but also a number of rowing shots (mostly taken by Carol, thanks)
  (published 3/1/16)
Faskally coaching weekend
24th & 25th October 2015

aplogies for late posting of this small number of still (mostly) pictures. 

The coaches were so good that they could walk on water.  Ian Duncan demonstrates his powers.
(published 22/12/15)

ABC Xmas Eights
12th Dec 2015
Alan Murphy took some shots from this event - click on photo to see them all

 (published 17/12/15)
Commonwealth Baton Relay
Womens Henley 2014

June 2014 (!)

Thanks, Colin for reminding me that I had not processed these pictures from sunnier times18 months ago.
Click on picture below for my shots from that month - they also include pics that Carol took at Womens Henley 2014.
 Ailsa Brown and Colin Wallace have also posted Baton pictures and movies, click below for their pics.  Ailsa's folder includes some family/Oldmeldrum clips that you might want to skip past!)
Movie from Ailsa       
Colin Aberdeen pics    
TV news reports

(published 16/12/15)
Aberdeen Fours and SB HOR
14th & 15th Nov 2015

Results from the 4s and Small Boats HOR are published on our
Results page

New (16/11/15) - I have added additional options for downloading results sorted by Event.  I have also made some corrections to Veteran Handicaps in Division 2 on Sunday - these alter net times but do not alter winners.

Pictures Now Published...
New (23/11/15)

Thanks to Alan Murphy and Geraldine Aben for providing these pictures taken from the starting launch - click below to select day

   4s HOR pictures (Saturday)     

  SB HOR puctures (Sunday)

  Scottish Rowing Awards Dinner
Hilton Grosvenor Hotel, Glasgow

Inverness 4s and Small Boats HOR
  Saturday 31/10/15  -  pics from Div 2 only
  Sunday 1/11/15 - mostly Div 1 with a few pics from Div 2


Sorry that many of these shots are of poorer quality than my usual - I blame low light on Saturday and using my pocket camera - others might, appropriately, blame the photographer!
If you want to see some excellent quality photographs I suggest you go to
David Nolan's Flickr site - he has published  superb shots from all 4 divisions
Deecrepits tour to Tyne HOR
14th February 2015

Apologies for the very late (14/10/15) publication of these pictures

Official opening of ASRA Boathouse extension
and their 'Black & White' Ball at the Douglas Hotel in the evening

3rd October 2015

Andrew Laing of Aberdeen Asset Management and a representative of Sport Scotland attended for this event.  Both organisations had sponsored the new buidling.  Bryan Steel holds the ribbon.
Historical Pictures projected at ABC Ball

(See previous box for pictures taken at the Ball)

A total of 1,149 images from varying dates in ABC's history were projected randomly on the side screens at the Ball on 19/9/15.  They are all available here if you want to spend some (or a lot) of time searching through them.  They are deliberately in no particular order.  Ask around (or
email me) if you remain confused as to subject, or location, of picture!
Most pictures were provided by me but Sandie, Niki and various others also contributed to this visual potpourris.  Snapper Ron

Christmas Day Row 1970
Bob Newton, Gus Menzies, Charlie Mearns, Brian Everitt,
Ron Wallace (good grief!)
ABC 150th Anniversary Ball
19th September 2015
Beach Ballroom, Aberdeen

Many thanks to the organising committee for arranging a memorable event.  It was great to see Jurgen, Mirco and Adi from Ruderclub Baden in Switzerland.  Even more impressive was the weekend visit of John Dalgleish (one of 'Rick's Pricks') who flew over from Perth, Australia). 
Dr Roy Farquharson was another 'returner' and Niall Young, impressively, enjoyed comparing this event with his previous attendance at ABC's 100 year anniversary!

ABC Novice Regatta
29th August 2015

Good weather this year for this event with great competition for the various categories of awards

Henley Royal Regatta (HRR)
1st - 5th July 2015

Snapper Ron has been busy capturing a few rowing pictures and even more social pictures.  He was delighted to see the row-past of a mixed Eight crewed entirely by previous Henley winners from ABC.
Also click here to go to a separate Dropbox folder with a couple of video shots - one for Alec Wallace and the other for the ABC coxed four.

The pictures start with some from the Silver Wedding celebrations of SR President Mike Morrice.  See if you can spot some much-younger rowing faces in the blurry copies of his wedding pictures
Home International Regatta (HIR)
25th July 2015  -  Strathclyde Park

 The lovely weather at the start of this event sadly deteriorated to proper rain (none of the namby-pamby showers that had been predicted).
Snapper Ron has published 591 mostly-relevant images of the day and the subsequent evening celebrations.
ABC's 150th Anniversary Row-Past
18th July 2015

Many thanks to Engie for sponsoring this event and to everyone who made it such a success
Civic Reception
Aberdeen Town House

14th May 2015

Apologies for forgetting to publish these shots!
Aberdeen Inter-Company Regatta
27th June 2015

A smaller entry this year but everyone seemed to have a good time and some close (and some not so close!) racing.          (published 30/6/15)
Henley Royal Regatta  -  pictures from the 2014 event
Oops!  I forgot to finish processing these.
Thanks for the reminder, Erin, and I am glad to say that I have just
(25/6/15) published pictures from last year's HRR.  I have, of course, managed to get this done just before the 2015 event. 

(published 25/6/15)

Colin and Jonny achieve their 24hour Scullathon
23rd - 24th June 2015

Colin Wallace and Jonny Muir rowed a single scull for 24hours.  They did alternate one-hour shifts and finished weary and very blistered at 5pm on Wednesday 24th June 2015.  A distance of 241.2km was sculled and they wish to pass on thanks to everyone who supported them during the venture and to all who sponsored them.  Money raised is going to MS Research

150th Anniversary of foundation of ABC

ABC are planning  a number of events to mark this milestone.

On 18th July 2015 a Flotilla Event is planned on the Dee - the aim of this is to get every club boat belonging to ABC on the water at the same time to row from the King George VI Bridge back to the Boathouse.  Further details will be posted on the ABC Website.

Later in the year on 19th Sept 2015, ABC are hosting a ball at the Aberdeen Beach Ballroom and an open invitation is extended to everyone connected with ABC including past members, other clubs in Aberdeen and from around Scotland.
Details are available on the ABC Website.
Scottish Championships
13th & 14th June 2015
more benign weather conditions at the park this time.  A busy event but well-oranised and both (ful) days of racing finished on, or ahead, of time.

With apologies for the delay I have published pictures from the
 Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
held on 21st March 2015

Strathclyde Park Regatta (SPR)  2015

Snapper Ron managed to take a limited range of pictures from this event - click above for pictures.

Also click here for a YouTube video of white horses chasing singe sculls down the course on Sunday afternoon.

(published 29/4/15)
FISA World Masters 2014  

Lake Wendouree, Ballarat, Australia

A squad of 7 from Aberdeen Boat Club made their way to the southern hemisphere (and, regrettably, we took some good Scottish weather of wind and cold with us for our racing!) 
Pictures of the racing are now
(3/1/15) published with lots of holiday shots of our enjoyable time round Ballarat.  Also a number of pictures of Melbourne with my brother, Alan, and his family.  Some older viewers of this site may remember Alan from his rowing days at Aberdeen University Boat Club in the 1970s.   (Snapper Ron)

ABC Xmas Eights   and 
celebration of Jim Steel's recent 70th birthday

A fine day for this fun, scratch, event with crews of mixed abilities producing some very close racing.
ABC also celebrated the recent 70th birthday of our President, Jim Steel who seems as youthful as ever despite his three score and tenth birthday     
Pictures from the Inverness HOR weekend for 4s and Small Boats
  Sat (4s)  Div 1         Sat (4s) Div 2  
   Sunday  (Div 1)  plus 5 shots of Div 2 from Carol

A lovely weekend of Head Racing in the Northern Capital with glorious weather, a huge entry, good organisation with new start procedures and very rapid publication of results.  Well done to the lads & lasses in Red & green.   Apologies for very limited pictures from Div 2 on Sunday but I was racing (Ron)

Aberdeen 4s and Small Boats HOR weekend
22nd & 23rd November 2014


   Saturday results      Sunday results

A lot of rain fell in the week preceding these events and the River Dee was running fast so no record times (except perhaps, vying for a record slow time?).  Many outside entries and lots of novice crews (and coxes) resulted in some marshalling issues and occasional clashes during racing.  It seemed, however, that a (mostly) good time was had by all.    Many thanks to the Scottish Rowing umpires and to all entrants.

ABC Novice Regatta
30th August 2014

(published 30/814)
Commonwealth Rowing Championships 2014
Strathclyde Park
Pictures from Snapper Ron and Carol Wallace
(split into separate days - click on the day that you want to view

   Friday 7th August

   Saturday 8th August

   Sunday 9th August

(published 21/814)
Inter-Company Regatta
sponsored by Swire Oilfield Services
28th June 2014

Relatively normal rowing kit for the winners of this event, but lots of strange costumes were exhibited by other crews.  Click above to see all 853 pictures from Snapper Ron
Scottish Championship 2014
Separate folders are available for
Saturday 31st May 2014   and
Sunday 1st June 2014

29/5/14  Phew!  another catch-up in Snapper Ron's electronic darkroom.  With apologies for delay, the following are now published.  Click on the link at the bottom of the box to go to the Images index;

30/3/14  Tideway  -  Deecrepits Tour

April 14  AUBC/RGUBC training camp in Tilburg, Holland

5th-10th April 14  -  ASRA's training camp in Gent, Belgium

26th &27th April-  SPR (Strathclyde Park Regatta)

10th & 11th May - NER (North East Regatta)

All these can be viewed from the IMAGES page
Scottish Schools HOR
22nd March 2014
Forth & Clyde Canal near Dullater

pictures by Snapper Ron
Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
(and Boat Race Ball)
1st March 2014

Inverness 8s and SB HOR
22nd Feb 2014
Snapper Ron's pictures from Division 1 only

Aberdeen Eights HOR
Saturday 1st February 2014
As previously announced, we unfortunately had to cancel this event due to strong stream and (particularly) due to gales on the day.
We have been looking at options for a date to reschedule this event and, regrettably, we have been unable to find a date which has a suitable tide and does not clash with other rowing events. 
We therefore will not plan to run an Eights HOR at this time.

Our next main event is the North East Regatta on 10th & 11th May
Inverness Fours and SB HORs
16th & 17th Nov 2013

4s HOR Sat  Div 1
4s HOR Sat Div 2

SB HOR Sun Div 1
SB HOR Sun Div 2
ABC Ball
9th November 2013
 ' Heaven & Hell '  theme

Aberdeen Fours and Small Boats HOR
2nd & 3rd Nov 2013

Snapper Ron has published pictures from the following divisions (he was racing in the others!)

Fours HOR (Sat)  Div 2 only

SB HOR (Sunday)  Div 1 only
Scottish Rowing Awards Dinner
5th October 2013
In the spectacular surroundings of the Playfair Library, Edinburgh University

FISA World Masters 2013
Varese, northern Italy
2nd - 5th Sept 2013
Richard, Jim, Dan and Ron along with Louise and Carol represented ABC at this huge regatta.

ABC Novice Regatta
31st August 2013

(published 1/9/13)
Inverness Sprint Regatta
17th August 2013

(published 27/8/13)
National Schools Regatta
20th - 21st July 2013

(published 27/8/13)
Henley 2013
3rd - 7th July 2013
Gary and Lewis buff-up well for getting into Stewards Enclosure

(published 27/8/13)
Womens Henley
20th - 23rd June 2013
Gill Watt waves a flag

(published 27/8/13)
Inter-Company Regatta
River Dee, Aberdeen   22nd June 2013
Lots of pictures from this very entertaining annual event

Scot Champs Regatta
15th & 16th June 2013
A tiny handful of rowing shots and more Wallace / Brown family shots (with a few Bains and others!) - Ron was busy rowing!

(published 25/8/13)
Castle Semple Regatta
1st June 2013

(published 25/8/13)
North East Regatta
11th & 12th May 2013

(published 25/8/13)
BUCS Regatta
6th May 2013

(published 25/8/13)
Strathclyde Park Regatta
27th & 28th April 2013

(published 25/8/13)
ASRA's Training Camp at Gent
6th - 14th April 2013

(published 25/8/13)
Deecrepits Tour to Vesta Veteran Tideway 24th March 2013
Deep snow in Aberdeenshire prior to flying down - we arrived to find the event cancelled due to snow and high wind-chill

(published 25/8/13)
Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
3rd March 2013
Lots of pictures (finally) published by Snapper Ron
Aberdeen Eights HOR
9th Feb 2013

Lovely water conditions for the first competed event in the 2013 Scottish Rowing calendar
Pictures from Snapper Ron (with a bit of help in Division 2)
Indoor Rowing Championships
20th January 2013
Heriot Watt University
Pictures from Snapper Ron

Phew! - another busy catch-up in Snapper Ron's electronic Darkroom.
Pictures have been published (on 3/1/13) from ...
Alford Sportive (cycling) event on 26/5/12 featuring a number of ABC rowers
Faskally training camp  (20th & 21st October 2012)
Diamond Jubilee Rowing Championships at Dorney Lake (20th & 21st October 2012)
Inverness 4s HOR and Inverness Small Boats HOR  (17th & 18th Nov 2012)
ABC Christmas Eights  - 1st Dec 2012

For gentlemen with suitable permissions, there are also pictures from the AGM of the Deeside Scullers Club on their website

Scottish Rowing Awards Dinner
3rd November 2012
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow
Pictures from Snapper Ron

Katherine Grainger (our Guest of Honour) is presented with the International Rower of the Year award by SR President, Mike Morrice

 A good haul of awards went to Aberdeen with trophies going to
Junior Rower (Lewis McCue, ASRA)
Senior Rower (Iona Riley, ABC)
Crew of the Year (ASRA WJ4+, Christie Duff, Emily Geddes, Holly Reid, Morven Shaw coxed by Charlotte Davie)
ASRA Time Trials

ASRA are organising a series of time trials over 2012 - 13
All ASRA members are encouraged to attend but crews or individuals from other Aberdeen clubs are welcome to take part.

Time Trial details are available here

At the Scottish Sowing Awards Dinner,
a good haul of awards went to Aberdeen with trophies going to
Junior Rower (Lewis McCue, ASRA)
Senior Rower (Iona Riley, ABC)
Crew of the Year (ASRA WJ4+, Christie Duff, Emily Geddes, Holly Reid, Morven Shaw coxed by Charlotte Davie)
Lewis McCue picks up the awards for all his (absent) Aberdeen colleagues
Scottish Rowing Championships
9th & 10th June 2012
On 4/11/12 (!) I have published pictures from a (generally) sunny Scottish Champs in June.
Apologies for the delay - I forgot to process the pictures.  (Snapper Ron)

Aberdeen Head of the River weekend
27th & 28th October 2012

Results from Saturday 27th Oct (4s HOR)
Results from Sunday 28th Oct (SB HOR)

Pictures are now published

The spectacular ASRA Octo in action
Aberdeen Club Championships
Saturday 13th October 2012

Results      Pictures

16th Sept 2012
Olympic Parade - Union Street, Aberdeen
Representatives from all Aberdeen clubs pulled an oar for Katherine Grainger
ABC Novice Regatta
1st Sept2012

Inverness Sprint
11th August 2012

a few pictures from the
 National Rowing Championships, Nottingham.  July 2012

Ian Duncan parades Olympic Torch down Union Street     
11th June 2012
Thanks to Carol Wallace and Lindsay Kilvington for providing the pics.  Sorry that the video files at the end do not seem to  load
Aberdeen Inter-Company Regatta
23rd June 2012
Fun and games and fancy dress on the Dee

ASRA Inter-Schools Regatta
16th June 2012

Henley 2012
Pictures from Snapper Ron

ASRA training camp at Ghent - April 2012
Sorry about the delay in publishing these pictures from Carol Wallace

National Schools Regatta 2012
Holme Pierrpont
1st - 3rd June 2012

Whilst we were busy with the North East Regatta, Carol drove Niall and Atholl down to Nottingham as the sole AUBC competitors at BUCS Regatta 2012

North East Regatta  -  5th & 6th May 2012
Click on any of the links below

A few pictures from Snapper Ron

Saturday pictures from Stuart Pressage

Sunday pictures from Stuart Pressage

The Deecrepits Xmas row took place on 18th December 2011 but I only published the pictures (thanks for the reminder, Graham) on 21/4/12

Dramatic snow in Oldmeldrum 3rd April 2012
(one week after record high temperatures)

Body Surfing and lots of other wet fun at the
 ABC Captain's Dinner
24th March 2012

Deecrepits Tour to Tideway
March 2012
(with some pictures of other Scottish crews from Saturday)

Universities of Aberdeen Boat Race
10th March 2012

Scottish Schools HOR
3rd March 2012
Forth & Clyde Canal at Dulater

Aberdeen Eights HOR
Sat 25th Feb 2012
a few pictures from Division 1 only
Scottish Indoor Rowing Championships
29th January 2012

ABC organised a Christmas 8s event for scratch crews on 3rd December 2011

Pictures from Faskally training camp
22nd & 23rd October 2011



Phew!  it has been a busy time in Snapper Ron's secret Darkroom as he has been busy churning out pictures.
If you go to the Images page you can view pictures from the following events;
Aberdeen HOR weekend  (12th & 13th Nov)
Inverness HOR weekend  (19th & 20th Nov)
Scottish Rowing Awards Dinner (Sat 19th Nov)
Thanks to Stuart Pressage and Bill Wood for providing additional pictures from the Aberdeen weekend




Spectacular fire-breathing display at the
Aberdeen Boat Club Masked-Ball
30th October 2011



At last (13/10/11) !
Snapper Ron has published pictures from the
FISA World Masters, Poznan, Poland  Sept 2011
(picture - the Scottish composite Veteran F quad in action)


ABC Novice regatta
Sat 27th August
pictures (146) from Snapper Ron
and 12 shots from Sandie Pirie

Castle Semple Regatta
Sunday 28th August 2011


Inverness Sprint Regatta

13th August 2011


Home International Regatta
Strathclyde Park
23rd July 2011
Pictures from Snapper Ron posted

Henley Royal Regatta
Thanks to Carol and Fiona Wallace for snapping these pictures

      General pictures (including a selection from Colin and Scott's pairs race)

     All pictures from Colin and Scott's race (some overlap with above)


Aberdeen Inter-Company Regatta
25th June 2011

(27/6/11 - click above for pictures from Snapper Ron)
*new 3/7/11*   Lots more pictures submitted by
 Andrew Strachan (710 pictures) and
Richard Crosland (492 pictures)

Scottish Championships 
11th & 12th June 2011
pictures by Snapper Ron and friends
**new 22/6/11** I have added some shots of winners on the medals pontoon from Alistair Neil
(see page 8)

Metropolitan Regatta
Dorney Lake
4th & 5th June 2011
pictures from Carol Wallace

1st June 2011  -  Phew!  Snapper Ron has published a big backlog of photographs from 4 events ranging from local (NER), through national (Nat Schools and BUCS) and ending up in the North Sea (Coastal Regatta).  I think the coastal skiffs would have been of more use in the challenging conditions at Holme Pierrpont - weather conditions at windy Nottingham affected both the BUCS and Nat Schools events.
I wonder when they will consider moving these events to the relative calm of Strathclyde Park?

               Click on the photos to go to the index for each event

Coastal Regatta, Anstruther
28th May 2011
cast adrift in an open boat

National School Regatta
Nottingham 27th - 29th May
winning smiles from ASRA

North East Regatta, Aberdeen
14th & 15th May
battle of the ABC coxless fours

BUCS Regatta, Nottingham
30th April - 1st May
dive, dive, dive ...


Older photos  -  see the Images page for all pictures

SPR  24th &25th April 2011

Deecrepits Tideway Tour 2011

ASRA tour to Gent
4th - 10 April 2011


DeeSnappers Pictures      Click here for Snapper Ron's pictures

Name of Event Date of Event Author      Click here for Snapper Ron's pictures Date uploaded
Aberdeen Sprint Regatta 26th August 2007 James Arthur 1/9/07
WU23 Regatta 25th - 29th July 2007 Iain Carlton 31/7/07
SPR 07 (Sunday) 22/4/07 Bryan Schooling 8/6/07
NE Regatta 07 5th & 6th May 2007 Stewart Mitchell     Saturday      Sunday 8/6/07
NE Regatta 07 Sat 5/6/07 Bryan Schooling 8/6/07
NE Regatta 07 5/5/07 Roy Sinclair 14/5/07
SPR Saturday 07 21/4/07 Brian Schooling 13/5/07
SPR 07 (Saturday) 21st & 22nd April 2007 Steven Clark 12/5/07

Snapper Ron is offering an image-publishing service for the Aberdeen rowing community with the working title of DeeSnappers (thanks to Richard Mathieson for that suggestion)
If anyone wishes to send me their rowing photographs, I am happy to publish them. 
Suitable picture sizes are 800x600 pixels with medium jpg compression (I can scale down larger pictures).
You can see the first example of this service from Steven Clark of ABC who provided photographs from Strathclyde
Park regatta on 21st & 22nd April 2007. 

By sending the images, I will assume that you are happy for me to pass on full-size copies to anyone who requests one.
My legal bits page has information about ownership of the images. 
I am not able (yet) to publish video clips and images will be down-sized for rapid loading



bullet Weather forecast for Aberdeen  bullet Check tides (for any date and up to a year at a time)  horizontal rule

About the Committee of the Dee           constitution
The Committee of the Dee is concerned with organising rowing events on the River Dee in Aberdeen.  Events are run under the rules of  Scottish Rowing (previously known as the Scottish Amateur Rowing Association (SARA)).  Members of the committee are elected from the five rowing clubs in Aberdeen;
   Aberdeen Boat Club
   Aberdeen Schools Rowing Association
   Aberdeen University Boat Club
   Deeside Scullers Club
   Robert Gordon University Boat Club


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Web site created by the ever-youthful Ron Wallace
who is keeping this photograph in his loft as his real features
age.  He thinks that this is a really crap arrangement and that Dorian Gray got a better deal.

Last modified            01/01/25

Ron_small.jpg (5568 bytes)    test  link     test link 2    test link 3