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Committee of the Dee          


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"What on earth is a Badenfahrt?"   I hear you ask .........

.... well.      Once every 10 years the Swiss town of Baden runs a 10-day festival (the Badenfahrt).
By coincidence, it was 10 years ago that the Deecrepits (veteran crew) from Aberdeen Boat Club met members of Ruderclub Baden (Baden Rowing Club) when they were both competing at the Vesta Veteran's HOR in London.  Each nation  recognised common interests (including, but not limited to, rowing, eating and whisky) and an enduring friendship was forged amongst the individuals and the clubs.  Various visits have been made by ABC to Switzerland and RCB to Aberdeen.

The Badenfahrt is an incredible event and the entire town seems to get involved.  Ruderclub Baden had decided to build a Scottish Castle (yes really!) and this was constructed underneath the arch of a huge road bridge in the town.  Pictures of the construction can be seen on the Ruder Club Baden website. 

The Aberdeen representatives were an elite (or was that effete) group, representing the very best in Scottish rowing;

  Ron 'Louise' Wallace
  Graham 'Smiler' Dale
  Carol 'Caipirinha' Wallace
  Douglas 'Doh' Cameron and
  Rick 'McBusy' McTaggert

We saw Nessie peeking out of her Castle

We went rowing ....
.... and posed afterwards.
We saw the parade ....

... and the fireworks

We sang songs ....
... then took a stroll ....

.... then felt weary and had a snooze.
And finally the moon rose thought the battlements of Nessie's Castle and the party went on, and on, and on, and on, and ...........

Until finally we bade farewell to Baden .... until 2017 when the Badenfahrt will rise again.

With thanks to all our friends at RC Baden for their hospitality.


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